1907 Eden Park Blvd. McKeesport, PA 15132
(412) 672-0923
St. John's offers many additional services for all of your spiritual needs. All of these services are offered at no cost to members of the church. If you have any questions about any of these services, please call the parish office at 412-672-0923 or contact us online via this form.
St. John's is a beautiful church to celebrate your love and commitment to each other and Jesus Christ. Many couples find the church so beautiful that little to no additional decorating is necessary for the event.
There are two different wedding services available. A wedding ceremony that includes a full Divine Liturgy is an option, but you can also choose a simpler, shorter ceremony. Father Greg is willing to work with couples to customize small touches to make your wedding truly special. A six month notice and wedding classes are required.

The sacrament of Reconciliation, or Confession, provides healing for the soul and regains the grace of God lost by sin.
Father Greg is available for Confessions on Saturday at 3:15 PM or by appointment.

The most precious and necessary gift that parents can give to their newborn infant is baptism in the Catholic Church. This first holy sacrament makes the soul one with Jesus Christ and formally enters the child into the Church.
Our church's namesake, St. John the Baptist, performed this sacrament on Jesus Christ, so we can think of no better place than our church to have this beautiful sacrament performed on a member of your family. A class is required for parents to attend prior to the baptism.
First Holy Communion
As Catholics, we believe that Christ is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Partaking in Holy Communion enriches our very souls and helps to bring us closer to Christ.
First Holy Communion is a joyous occasion when a child has grown through the teachings of the church to have a greater knowledge and love for Jesus Christ.
Annointing of the Sick
Annointing of the Sick unites the sick person with the passion of Christ, gives strength to endure the illness, and can offer forgiveness of sins if the sick person is not able to obtain it through the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Father Greg is able to come to homes and hospitals in order to perform this sacrament and comfort the sick.
Funeral services are available at St. John's and at many funeral homes in the area. Traditionally, a Parastas service will first be held at the funeral home, with the full funeral service held at the church.
In addition, interment is available at the parish cemetery. For prices and location of cemetery plots, please contact the church office.